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Councillor Hunslet Carr Residents Association Meeting Repot July 2022

Writer's picture: Cllr Paul WrayCllr Paul Wray

Please see below a copy of Cllr Mohammed Iqbal's and my report to the July 2022 Hunslet Carr Residents Association meeting:

Fly Tipping: This remains an ongoing issue and over the coming months we’ll be using are regular communications to remind people bulky waste collections are free for up to five items, four times a year. More information can be found at

Hunslet St Mary’s Spire: There has been little progress with the diocese. We will keep residents updated.

Woodhouse Hill Road Speeding and Parking: We’ve asked West Yorkshire Police for a Speed Gun Operation and we’re just awaking feedback as to whether they can do this. We’ve also requested a traffic speed and count check to assess the usage of the road and the speeds to inform an action needed by Highways Leeds – this will take place within the next few weeks.

Leawsowe Close to Garth Gated Area: Following issues to do with missing access keys, the councils street cleaning team have now been given a key to remove any litter etc. in future and GM Continental, the councils grasscutters, have also been given a key so they can maintain the grassed area on a regular basics. A grass cut has been requested and is due imminently.

Hunslet Urban Garden: It is with great frustration that the main designer as NPS (the councils contactor) left before a tender was commissioned for the work to begin - despite funding being agreed. We are currently chasing NPS to allocate a new lead designer so we can get on with the project this year. This project will be going ahead as there has been significant consultation and overwhelming public support for the proposals.

Hunslet Carr Christmas Approved: We’re pleased to have again approved funding for this year’s Christmas Light display.

Parnaby Corner Planter: We’ve contacted Parks and Countryside and asked them to move the planter that BT has put a column in front of. P&C will coordinate with the committee on a new location.

Grit Bins: After some confusion as to whether these where included in last year’s funding for new grit bins, we have agreed to fund a sperate allocation for other areas of Hunslet Carr which were not covered and have passed on an application form to complete sent back so we can approve this.

School Allotments: We have spoken with the school and one of the teachers has been assigned responsibility for the allotments now. Mr Martin has said the school is open to working with the committee to help maintain them and we have also put the school in contact with GoodGym Leeds and the Corporate Reasonability Officer for several companies who are also will to help the school bring the allotments up to standard.

Community Noticeboards: Following the committee’s feedback, we’ve moved one noticeboards location and have agreed to fund two more new noticeboards. We’re just awaking conformation of the locations from the committee so we can order these. Hunslet Lake Playground: Following feedback we have been asked to install a toddler’s swing. We’re now just awaiting feedback from the park’s manager to see they are happy with this. We’re also just awaiting plans for new additional mature trees along the park’s boundaries which are due to be planed this year. Once we have these, we’ll share these.

“Beza Street” Park: This grass land opposite Middleton Railway is parks land and we’re in the early stages of developing an improvement plan for it - helping to transform it into a sitting and nature park for local people who want access to green space but who want to be away from playing children. We’ll let residents know more once the initial plan is approved.

Pepper Road to Westbury Grove and North Place Ginnel: We are still in the process of negotiating with Network Rail over the transfer of ownership of the unregistered land in the ginnel between Pepper Road and Westbury Grove and North Place. The delay is being caused due to an issue of unregistered land within the area that needs to be assigned to somebody before Network Rail will accept Leeds City Council (LCC) removing the adoption of the ginnel as public highway.

The Council has confirmed that these parcels of land were originally ownership by British Rail to which Network Rail is the successor organization and therefore the natural owner but Network Rail's legal team is disputing this and is requiring LCC to go through a complicated legal process to register the land and gift it them before they will take on its ownership. There is a significant cost to this and LCCs legal team is therefore concerned the public will need to pay for something that isn’t needed and should be done by Network Rail.

These delays are incredibly frustrating.

Paved Area In Between Telford Place, Street and Walk: We were asked by some residents to expand parking on the estate by using the paved square in between the above locations – which is simple unused paving. Council officers agreed to look at the viability of converting some or all of this space into car parking and at cost of around £144,000 – it is not something we can justify at the moment.

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