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Writer's pictureCllr Paul Wray

Hunslet Tenants and Residents Association Report October 2022

Dear Resident(s)

Hunslet Green: After several attempts to start a viable regular resident’s forum it has been decided with the agreement of the Chair, to invite residents in the Hunslet Green area and from the Whitfield estate to this meeting. Letters have gone to residents in the area to advise them of this and the date, time, and location of these meetings.

Fly Tipping: We’re aware of the ongoing issues related to bulky item fly tipping being left at the refuse collection points and litter bins.

We’d like to remind those who are leaving bulky waste on the street, this will result in street cleaning staff have less time to do other jobs such as litter picking.

You can have up to 5 items collected, 4 times a year. Service information can be found at There is also information on how to donate in good condition items to charity.

If you have garden waste and are not on a brown bin route, you can also get up to 4 items or 4 lots of double bagged garden waste collected. Service information can be found at

Street Sweeping: It was clear that the inner area of the estate hasn’t been swept and litter picked for a while. We’ll raise this to the manager in the street cleaning team to address this lack of action.

Midland and Pepper Road Speeding: We know this is an ongoing issue and we’ve again raised this with West Yorkshire Police. Our options for speed calming due to HGV usage and their weight means standard speed bumps or full road tables would be significantly damaged and therefore not effective.

Pepper Road HGV Parking: HGV parking on the double yellow lines remains an ongoing issue and is causing sightline issues for ordinary drivers.

HGV drivers are being issued regular fines, but this is not stopping the illegal parking. Attempts are now being made to contact the haulage companies directly and about what action can be taken directly against them.

Hunslet St Mary’s Spire: We've received an update from the diocese regarding the ongoing condition survey of the tower. They recently appointed a contractor to carry out the exterior work and have been awaiting dates for this to take place. Their contractor has confirmation they are planning to carry out the survey on Thursday 13th & Friday 14th October. They will be using rope access methods, which will include the temporary installation of steeplejack ladders, to access the exterior of the tower.

This will allow operatives to carry out a close inspection with hands on access to all four sides of the tower. The interior will be assessed separately, and later, by a structural engineer.

Church Street Playground: We’ve now asking for a different swing type to be added to the playground as the shared swing keeps being broken.

Jack Lane and The Oval Playground Equipment: Initial proposals have been sent to residents to consult on about the creation of a small playground on the above land. Residents have until the 31st October to reply.

War Memorial Bench: This has been approved and ordered but sadly will not be in place in time for Remembrance Day.

KFC Litter: Litter has improved but there are still some problem areas around the retailer. Cleaner Neighbourhoods will be in contact with them to address this.

Overgrown Street Trunks: There are a significant number of trees whose trunks have significant new branch growth at a low level – causing light and pathway obstructions. We’ve asked the street cleaning team who deal with low-level tree works to come and lop these off.

Antisocial Behaviour: There are currently lots of reports of noise and other activity deemed to be antisocial behaviour. If you see any, please reported this to the Leeds Antisocial Behaviour Team. They can be contact via or by calling the number on the cut-off slip.

Quad Bikes: We were made aware of dangerous riding across the area. Although West Yorkshire Police (WYP) are limited in what they can do, there and then, descriptions of the riders and of the bike(s)/quad(s) can help the police identity the owner(s) to take action against them at a later stage..

If you see anyone riding a quad bike in a dangerous way, please report this to WYP by calling 101 or using 101 Live Chat via You should always call 999 if there is an imminent risk of harm to you or other members of the public.

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