We’ve recently received several complaints from residents at Merchants Quay and The Gateway about problematic traffic movements caused by poor highways signage, road markings and traffic signal change timings at the above junctions - some of which have caused road traffic collisions, as well as increased congestion in general.
I've also been made aware that the latest lane closure for the road works is causing significant delays to drivers and I'm trying to get hold of a Highways Leeds Traffic Engineer to look at these immediately.
Regarding the safety issues, we recently spent an hour at peak time watching these movements with a number of residents and saw these issues first-hand ourselves.
Although some of the issues above will be resolved with the ongoing roadworks, a number of the junction points are not currently part of these and we’ve therefore arranged a site visit with a Highways Leeds Engineer to highlight these concerns as we feel they are putting pedestrians and road users in danger, as well as impacting on air quality.
Once this visit has happened, Highways Leeds will provide an initial report to us about what steps they feel are needed to resolve these issues.
We’ve also highlighted this location to West Yorkshire Police as we also noticed several issues relating to very poor driving practice by road users.
We’ll keep residents informed of any developments and thank you to the residents who have highlighted these concerns to us.