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Writer's pictureCllr Paul Wray

Housing Leeds Estate Walkabout: Bismarcks, Disraelis and Moorville Close

Housing Officers have restarted their quarterly estate walkabouts. This walkabout took place on 15/10/20. Local Housing Leeds Officer, Mohammed Ahmed, looked at the following streets where there are Housing Leeds properties located and identified several issues:

Street Names

  • Bismarck Drive, Street and Way

  • Moorville Close

  • Disraeli Gardens and Terrace


Waste Crime: fly-tipping was found on Bismarck Drive and this has been removed by Leeds City Council Cleaner Neighbourhoods. If you receive Council Tax Benefit or are on Universal Credit, you may be eligible for bulky waste to be removed for free by calling 0113 222 4406. If they are in good condition, please contacting our re-use partners who might be able to take it for free.


Overgrown Vegetation: overgrown grass areas and shrubs found identified on Bismarck Drive. They have been referred to the Councils contactor, GM Continental, to have cut.


Litter: excessive litter was found on Bismarck Drive and Disraeli Terrace and should have now been removed by Cleaner Neighbourhoods.


General Repairs: several general repair issues on public land where identified on Bismarck Street and Disraeli Terrace. These have been raised to Leeds Highways and Housing Leeds Repairs and Maintenance to be addressed.


Unkept Gardens: if you struggle to maintain your garden and are a Leeds Homes Tenant with a mobility need, you may be eligible for one off assistance to make it more management. Please contact Housing Leeds to ask. For everyone else, the Council residential cleaning business might be of help, you can view this online or can call 0113 378 2337.


Councillor Updated: We aware of informal Park and Ride issues on Moorville Close and are still trying to find a solution acceptable with the Highways Leeds.


If you feel an environmental or other estate management issue has been missed during the walkabout and you are a Housing Leeds tenant, please report it by emailing or by calling the local housing team on 0113 535 1600. For other issues or if your a non-Housing Leeds resident, please use the following: Anti-Social Behaviour 0113 222 4402

Bins, Street Cleaning and Fly-Tipping 0113 222 4406

Homelessness 0113 222 4412

Noise Nuisance 0113 222 4402

Parks and Countryside 0113 395 7406

Environmental Health 0113 222 4406

Road and Pavements 0113 222 4407

Street Lighting 0800 032 5349

Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111

Police Non-Emergency 101

Emergency Services 999


Residents Meetings: Your street is part of the St Luke’s Tenants and Residents Association but they are currently not meeting due to the pandemic. However, you can ask questions to me anytime and I run an online Ask Your Councillor event every two weeks- the next dates can be viewed via this link.


Thank you for reading in this update. This website is not paid for by the Council and costs time and money to run. Please support it by making a donation now.

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