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Hunslet Carr Residents Association Report: October 2021

Dear Resident(s)

Hunslet St Mary’s Spire: The Diocese and Leeds City Council officers will be meeting this week to discuss how to progress work at the spire which has been delayed due to the pandemic. Once we have a more detailed update following the meeting - we will update residents.

Overgrown Trees: Following complaints at the last meeting, we have conducted a focused audit of trees in most of the area – but there are still some to be checked. Most pf the problem trees identified have already been reported and were deemed not to be an immediate safety risk and are there for on the waiting list for non-urgent work. Several news trees have been referred for assessment, but we have not had the feedback on these yet.

Arthington View/Tulip Road Foot Access: Following a totally unacceptable quote of £45,000 to build a legally compliant ramp and stairs – we have asked the designers to provide an alternative design by having the adopted highways on Arthington View drawn back to allow the creation of a legal acceptable slope. We are now waiting for initial cost of this alternative plan.

Possible Hunslet Lake Park Improvements: Following resident feedback, we have asked Parks and Countryside to provide a quote for thermostatic play markings, football goals posts, and outdoor gym equipment. Once we know these, we will provide an update.

“Hunslet Town Square” Project: We have signed-off on the provisional final designs for the new public realm space which will be built next to Hunslet Community Hub and Library. Planning permission will be now be sort and tenders for the construction work issued. We are hoping, subject to the funding required being received on time by the end of October and there being no delays in planning – that work could start on site as soon as January. But this is subject to everything else happening without delay.

Planter Upgrades: We have asking Parks and Countryside and other partners such as Hyde Park Source, to provide quotes for the creation of low maintenance planting scheme for the three raised planters on Leasowe Close and the surface planters on Leasowe Avenue – all of which have needed improving for a long time.

Thank you for reading this quick update of the work we have being doing which impacting your area. If you have an issue or concern - please let us know. If we do not know, we cannot try and help.

Kind Regards and Keep Safe

Cllr Mohammed Iqbal Tel: 07831437304 Email:

Cllr Elizabeth Nash Tel: 01132758594 Email:

Cllr Paul Wray Tel: 07528512649 Email:

Facebook/Twitter: paulwrayuk


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