Following the rise in virus cases, from tonight (25/9/20), the following extra restrictions apply to those already in place nationally. Therefore you must not;
host people you do not live with in your home or garden, unless they’re in your support bubble
meet people you do not live with in their home or garden, whether inside or outside of the affected areas unless they’re in your support bubble
People can still come inside your home or garden for specific purposes set out in law:
where everyone in the gathering lives together or is in the same support bubble;
to attend a birth at the mother’s request;
to visit a person who is dying (the visitor can be someone the dying person lives with, a close family member, friend or, if none of those is visiting, anyone else);
to fulfil a legal obligation;
for work purposes (the guidance is here)
for the provision of voluntary or charitable services;
for the purposes of education or training;
or the purposes of formal and informal childcare (informal childcare is a new exemption from this week);
to provide emergency assistance;
to enable one or more persons in the gathering to avoid injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm;
to facilitate a house move;
to provide care or assistance to a vulnerable person;
to continue existing arrangements for access to, and contact between, parents and children where the children do not live in the same household as their parents, or one of their parents.
The police will be able to take action against those that break these rules, including asking people to disperse and issuing fixed penalty notices starting at £100 for those who participate in illegal gatherings.
In addition to these legally required restrictions, the advice is to also:
not to socialise with people you do not live with, unless they are in your support bubble, in any public venue either in Leeds or elsewhere. Examples of public venues include pubs, restaurants, cafes, shops, places of worship, community centres, leisure and entertainment venues, or visitor attractions and parks.
not to visit friends or family in care homes, other than in exceptional circumstances. Care homes should restrict visits to these circumstances.
to follow all relevant transport guidance when making a journey into, within or out of the areas affected, wear a face covering on public transport and try not to share a car with those outside your household or support bubble.
The important advice continues to be:
Keep a safe distance wherever you can
Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds
Cover your face in enclosed spaces
Stick to the new national “rule of six”
Stick to the new local restrictions on social contact
Isolate when you need to/are advised to