The Community Hub and Library will reopen on Wednesday 19 August.
The service will be a little different in order to follow the guidance agreed between the Department of Culture and the National Society of Chief Librarians:
There will be Perspex sneeze screens at the reception desk.
Staff will wear face visors when walking around and meeting and greeting.
Everyone coming in will be asked for their contact detail for Test and Trace.
Customers will have to wear a face covering.
Customers must sanitise their hands before touching books.
Customers will be able to come in and browse books and also call and reserve books and pick them up if they prefer.
Customers must take their own books in and out using the machine rather than asking staff to do this.
The number allowed in at any one time is limited so they are asking customers to stay no longer than 30 mins. The limit is to enable social distancing.
The number of computers in use is limited as they have to be 2 metres apart .
They have removed seating and newspapers for now.
Customers can come in for quick enquires but anything that is lengthy we need an appointment made and the customer will be called back.
The temporary opening hours will be 10:00 to 16:00 Monday to Friday.