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Writer's pictureCllr Paul Wray

Hunslet Tenants and Residents Association Report: October 2021

Dear Resident(s)

Hunslet St Mary’s Spire: The Diocese and Leeds City Council officers will be meeting this week to discuss how to progress work at the spire which has been delayed due to the pandemic. Once we have a more detailed update following the meeting - we will update residents.

Reducing Unauthorised Encampments on Grove Road Field: We have now approved the funding for the additional security measures mentioned in last month’s update. Parks and Countryside (P&C) are expected to build the new earth bunding and remove the two redundant access gates ASAP but the height barrier for the remaining access gates is expected to take up to 16 weeks to be built, delivered and installed.

More Fly Tipping Fines: More fines have been issued in the last month to residents who have been fly tipping on the estate - several more are currently being investigated. We will continue to work with officers by passing on resident provided intelligence. These fines send a strong message that fly tipping on the estate is not acceptable.

Church Street Playground Thermostatic Play Markings: We are really pleased to see the long awaiting play markings have been painted on to the floor of the playground. The feedback from parents so far have been overwhelmingly positive. We are still waiting for the missing swings to be reinstalled, but we have been told P&C is short staffed at the moment and the department is sadly dealing with a significant of vandalism across the city – with these repairs taking priority due to health and safety.

“Hunslet Town Square” Project: We have signed-off on the provisional final designs for the new public realm space which will be built next to Hunslet Community Hub and Library. Planning permission will be now be sort and tenders for the construction work issued. We are hoping, subject to the funding required being received on time by the end of October and there being no delays in planning – that work could start on site as soon as January. But this is subject to everything else happening without delay.

Thank you for reading this quick update of the work we have being doing which impacting your area. If you have an issue or concern - please let us know. If we do not know, we cannot try and help.

Kind Regards and Keep Safe

Cllr Mohammed Iqbal Tel: 07831437304 Email:

Cllr Elizabeth Nash Tel: 01132758594 Email:

Cllr Paul Wray Tel: 07528512649 Email:

Facebook/Twitter: paulwrayuk


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