Following the request of Cllr Mohammad Iqbal and I to address the poor and dangerous state of the open paved area in between both high-rise blocks, Housing Leeds have now proposed a new scheme to improve the area.
We are aware that residents have asked for the central area to be considered for additional parking. However, the area has a significant amount of underground utilities (electricity, gas, phone/internet lines, clean and wastewater) and it is not possible to construct additional parking space without occurring significant cost and disrupting services significantly.
Housing Leeds in partnership, Leeds City Council Fire Safety, Waste Management, Highways , Parks and Countryside, Housing Management and Retirement Life teams have now developed the below plan.
The proposals include:
Reconstruct and lay tarmac to the footpath surrounding Crescent Grange, making a level surface for pedestrians and wheelchair/mobility scooter users.
Replace any damaged flags and re-lay the uneven flags to provide a level surface to the Crescent Towers footpaths.
A redesign of the paved central space between the two blocks, including the construction of new footpaths and landscape with grass.
Consideration of further tree and shrub planting the area surrounding the blocks.
Relocate the recycling bins further away from the building to improve fire safety.

Letters will be sent to residents with a feedback form about the scheme next week and two face-to-face consultation sessions have been arranged as set out below:
Ground Floor Lobby of Crescent Towers on Wednesday the 20th of July 2022 between 10am and 12 noon.
Community Room at Crescent Grange for the resident meeting on Thursday the 21st July 2022 between 1pm and 2pm.
Residents can also send feedback via email on or by telephone on 0113 378 1075 or 07712 216 947.