It has been another busy couple of weeks. Casework loads and the number of residents contacting me remains very high at the moment and so I apologises it is sometimes taking me longer to reply then normal.
Here is a quick summary of some of the work I have been doing on your behalf in between casework.
On Monday 9th, I visited GSB on Wellington Road to hear about the work they are doing to provide degree-accredited courses on flexible hours - supporting those in work or who are caring for people and thus struggle to go to traditional full-time degree provider.
In the evening, I attended the Labour Group to hear updates on the work of the administration and about ongoing cross-city issues and work.
On Wednesday 11th, the whole day was taken up by Full Council. I voted for a White Paper calling for more support for those on low incomes over winter and in support of the Council doing more to tackle anti-Muslim prejudice and Antisemitism.
We also heard updates on the work of the Community Committees and the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee.
On Thursday 12th, I attended the Chair of Local Governing Boards meeting for the Collaborative Learning Trust as Chair of the Hunslet St Mary’s Board.
On Saturday 14th, I supported Beeston in Bloom and the Friends of Cross Flatts Park with the Heritage Day and plant sale.
On Monday 16th, I attended a briefing on school admissions and placement planning, how we allocate school places, and also what the future expectations for school places will be.
I then attended a meeting to discuss city centre tree planting plans. I then attend the North East Community Committee to talk about the success of having a local Civic Employment Officer.
I finished the day attending the Leeds Co-op Party to talk about how we develop a more cooperative-friendly city.
On Tuesday 17th, I attended the Development Plans Panel, where we had an update on the housing needs and demand for the city, the process of the Local Plan Review, and discussed the council's response to the National Planning Policy Framework consultation.
On Wednesday 18th, I attended the monthly Men’s Health Unlocked update and heard about the significant amount of work being done to address health issues impacting me and hear about the developing demand for a national strategy to address these issues.
I then dropped by the multi-agency public safety drop-in at Tesco’s on Dewsbury Road.
This was very busy and successful, and lots of residents attended to obtain advice and safety requirements such as alarms. In the afternoon I attended an event at St Lukes Church where children from Beeston Hill St Luke's Primary come to talk to adults and to help improve the speaking confidence.
On Thursday 19th, I attended my monthly update as the Chair of the South and West Plan Panel on upcoming applications due before the committee.
Today, I attended the second Penny Pocket Park Problem Solving Group. In the last two weeks there has been significant progress to put in place plans to address on-going antisocial behaviour and criminal activity.
Engagement with businesses and residents is deepening, and plans for the redevelopment are progressing, with site meetings due in the next few weeks.
Following this, I attended the Leeds Pride High Level Committee meeting to look at post-pride issues and for partners to begin to look at the work needed in advance on pride in 2025.
I then attended the Kirkgate Markets Board for an update on the market. Demand for the indoor market continues to be good with several new units due to come online before the end of the year. We also go updates on the continuer park and hotel development.
I ended the day by attending the fair well for Tom Riordan at Leeds City Council CEO. He leaves a Council that is till delivering services despite 70% budget cuts and a third less staff then in 2010, with a growing city economy.
All reactions:
9Philippa Toner and 8 others